Climate change / Journalism / Pacific / Papua New Guinea

On wreckage and reckoning: A journey to PNG

“It strikes me, after 14 years (on and off) reporting from all over PNG, that climate damage is the most tangible return many grassroots people have ever known on those gazillions of gallons of extracted fossil-fuel wealth.” I spent a couple of weeks last year visiting three villages in PNG dealing with climate impacts – two coastal, one in the highlands. My aim was to try to share the stories of ordinary people dealing with rising tides and extreme, shifting weather – people who have little information and zero resources. And then to think about what climate justice might look like if it is to find its way to these people. The article is published this month in The Monthly. Thanks to the dozens of people who shared their stories and knowledge, many who are not named in the story. And to the Walkley Foundation Sean Dorney Pacific Journalism Grant. Link is here: